The Changing Work Environment

These links are to articles on the changing employment situation. They reflect the changing environment & show that the government is also aware of changes afoot.
Economics professor Ross Garnaut says Australia voluntarily keeps hundreds of thousands unemployed.
Unemployment is back near pre-pandemic levels. A CBA economist says missing foreign workers are one reason why.
Wage earners lose out to asset owners with record low interest rates.
Working from home is now just ‘work’, and Australia Talks data suggests it’s here to stay.
Wage dynamics in Australia have been permanently changed by foreign labour

The ABC is the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. It is funded by the Australian Government & broadcasts on radio, television & streams content on the web. It is a good source of general information – but not the last.

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One Response to The Changing Work Environment

  1. Freeful says:

    Another couple of links to ABC stories. These are about how housing is becoming unaffordable on the Sunshine Coast Queensland.
    Struggling renters told to leave Sunshine Coast due to housing crisis in ‘heartbreaking’ St Vinnies warning.
    Tears and anger as Queensland house prices soar leaving some buyers with nowhere to live.

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