
Civilization has evolved through tens of thousands of years. First was a recognition of nature. Learning the patterns of seasons & the behaviour of plants & animals in a predictable fashion. This also included peoples behaviour. This in turn lead to religion which could be our first step away from the natural cause & effect that had led to our evolved position in the ‘scheme of things’. As things got more complicated religion was not enough as a control. So next government was created. Government used established religion as a tool to help in its manipulation. Over time as government has not kept with the ability to steer the machine, as the machine desires, corporations have grown.They are now the driving force for the direction of humanity.

The evolution of ‘civilization’ has been overseen by ‘Overlords’ all the way. Be they priests, politicians or businessmen. They have never had the good interest of humanity in mind. Not that I can read their minds nor am I in a position of knowledge by being part of the regime. It is evidenced by the way the general masses of population are not part of the real machinations. The guidance has always had the priority of support for the hierarchy. People have been manipulated into position like livestock. Don’t believe people are capable of behaving that way? Look at what we have done to livestock! They are kept fed; Protected from predators; Educated to move under direction; Given medical care(just enough). The system we have is tried & truined.

It is the Overlords that have lead us down this road to ruin. All that civilization has created is a house of cards. To move freely that path needs to be rejected. These people are obviously at the bottom of our evolutionary spectrum. Their motives are base & wisdom deficient.

These people are not to blame for what they do. They are victims like the rest of us(which makes them the same as the rest of us. We are all in this together. We are all responsible equally). We are all patsies to economy. It is well evolved & is the subprocess that underlies the lies & demise.

Surely if we are to have something we would like to call ‘civilized’ the very first requisite must be to acknowledge, respect & understand nature. The nature that we have spent thousands of years moving away from. The natural flow & prosperity as a whole. Not for an elite few who are scared of loosing their advantage. They prefer to do things to the detriment of what is not themselves for the sake of nothing more than their own insecurity…. & they are bringing everything else down with them. Don’t let yourself go down with them. Give up on this waste of time, of life & of the planet. Start a new paradigm.

If the environment was healthy we would not have covid; we would not have global warming; we would not have mass extinctions. What do we have that ‘civilization’ has provided that is prosperous(and I don’t mean ‘What have the Romans done for us?’[Monty Python-Life of Brian])? And if you can think of something is it worth the cost? Could it be done in a way that does not cost?

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