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Welcome to the Move Freely site. Glad you dropped by. Feel free to start an account & add to the conversation. The topics revolve around the idea of moving freely. For more info on the basis for Move Freely go to the ABOUT page. All posts in this regard will be kept. Other comments might not be deemed relevant & edited.

Covid has already had a huge impact on peoples lives the world over. That is apparent! What is not so clear is how it will effect peoples lives in coming times.
Many people have been working from home. This shift changes the employer/employee perspective. It means any job that can be done from home can be done from anywhere in the world. Which leads to the situation of employers being able to hire people to do the work at the cheapest rate. It means ,if you are from a high wage country, you might have to try to out-price poorer more needy(& equally competent) workers.
This shift has not happened in an obvious way yet. But….
Corporations/businesses will always go for the cheap option(I don’t care to back this up with statistics or references. The evidence is obvious by a history of behaviour.). The workers are just another resource for them to take advantage of; especially if it can keep them(the workers) feeling doubtful of their position & at odds with each other(competing for a job or wages). It is a system built on competition after all.
How will such a change effect the workforce over time? Early, local influences should be a bit obvious but in the long term & on the world scale how will lifestyle evolve for us?

This is the starting point for the Move Freely discussion. Any sincere comments & ideas are greatly appreciated. Feel free to start new dialogues on just about any topic you are interested in as long as they keep with a Move Freely aspect.

What helps you to move freely? What inhibits you from moving freely? What can you share to help others to move freely?

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